Your business - No limits. BMK Partners work with you to achieve financial freedom, using the latest online and offline tools. If you’d like to have a chat and book your free 30 minute consultation, then get in touch today.
Our business services team meet with you to better understand your individual business expectations, compliance matters, and financial perspective, so that together, we can focus on your goals.
Accurate recordings of present financial information and activity in a clear and simple manner, provides added value to informed decision making, with a view to the future.
The best way to work with the team at BMK is for us to clearly understand what is important to you. When we know you and your business, can we seek to impress with a service and products that will truly delight you. Our charter is to understand your business and your goals, in order to deliver true value in support of your network of resources. We can review your accounting systems so that they provide the information required to effectively and simply manage the business.
Your accounting system is capable of providing timely, weekly snapshots; comprehensive monthly reports on contribution by sales stream, gross profit margin measured by product /service/client or job; or all, if this provides meaningful information to support decision making. Most businesses under utilise their reporting by not integrating point of sale, productivity information or stock information as a cohesive outcome.
There are many ways to extract information businesses need to make informed decisions, such as: incorporating a review of the year to date performance, measured against budget. However many don't effectively leverage the information that is in their existing systems. This quantitative information when added to other qualitative information resources provides clear information to all parties. The businesses that get this right make greater profits, enjoy better cash flow, and take advantage of opportunities as they present themselves.
It won't surprise you that the “better managed” businesses realise their profit potential, enjoy their businesses more, and have options regarding their exit strategy.
The team at BMK can take you through various business management programs to improve your business and focus on results including: Targeting Businesses Results and identifying your Profit Improvement Potential, financial modelling and forecasting, including measuring the impact of “what if” scenarios. Remember, what you can measure, you can manage. Many clients find it informative to talk to our Team when faced with options for the future of their business.
Suite 4 / 651 Canterbury Road Surrey Hills VIC 3127
t. +61 3 9699 7162
f. +61 3 9690 7653